郭哲希,1994年生於台灣,現居台北公館一帶。創作以攝影為主,主要關注台灣歷史與都市空間的關係,藉由觀察各地獨特的建築與景觀,整理出晦澀的歷史記憶。作品「殖民地之杉」曾於MRO Foundation (亞爾) 與Clab展出。
Kuo Che-Hsi (Kuet Tiet Hi, born in 1994) is a Taiwanese photographer based in Gongguan Taipei area. His photography work focuses on the relationship between the urban landscape and Taiwan history. By observing the unique architectures and landscapes in cities, he tries to sort out the subtle historical memory behind the scene. His work "Colonial Pine" was selected for exhibition at the MRO Foundation in Arles (Les Rencontres d'Arles) and Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab in Taipei.
2023, A-Real Engine, 台北數位藝術節, 台灣
2023, GrowUp, Rencontres d'Arles, 法國
2023, 崩塌記憶之宮, 臺灣當代文化實驗場, 台灣
2022, 意見徵集--連結意味著什麼, 有章藝術博物館, 台灣
2019, 隔水加熱--台大攝影社二十聯展, Studio 94, 台灣Group Exhibition
2023, A-Real Engine, Digital Art Festival Taipei, Taiwan
2023, GrowUp, Rencontres d'Arles, France
2023, Memory Palace In Ruins, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, Taiwan
2022, Request For Comments: What Does It Mean to Be Connected?, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taiwan
2019, NTUPHOTO group exhibition, Studio 94, Taiwan